
Sacramento Bike Kitchen

If you live in or near the Sacramento area and want to learn a thing or two about bicycle repairs and tuning or just need to fix a flat and don't have tools, you need to go to Sac Bike Kitchen located @ 1915 I Street in midtown Sacramento. Use the link below to visit their web site for more info.


Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen is an organization whose goals include providing low-cost transportation, self-sufficiency through bicycle maintenance, and safety through education. Our volunteers operate a community-based bike shop in Sacramento, CA.

Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen is a community-centered bike shop run by volunteers with the focus of providing low-cost, alternative transportation for Sacramentans. By providing affordable bicycles and classes, we promote cycling as transportation and bring empowerment to members by enabling self-sufficiency through knowledge of bicycle maintenance.


Sacramento is one of the most diverse communities in the nation. SBK is an organization that is committed to creating an environment that is free from bigotry and hate. Discrimination will not be tolerated and we try hard to maintain an open and safe environment for all. If you encounter someone that goes against this policy please bring it to one of the core volunteer’s attention.


Everyone at the SBK is a volunteer, but that doesn’t mean we are a bunch of amateurs. Volunteers are expected to abide by all laws and ordinances while at the shop or at a SBK event. Discounts will only be given according to the rules of the organization. No exceptions.


Hey dad! This is how you do it!

Pics of our youngest son showing how to get the most out a skid.
"See dad, you have to really lean over..."


Went to the SFG meet, greet & eat @ Jack's Urban Eats downtown.

Then headed out on a killer ride through downtown, river bike trail and Sac State. Here are pics from the ride thanks to andron.


Historical flashback...Pinoi on bike

Cool pic of random Pinoi on his bike.Check out the foot pegs on the fork.

Wifey goes SS/FG

Well after searching for a long time, I finally scored the wifey a FG/SS bike off CL from a nice lady in Davis. Thanks for the great deal!
She loves the bike...Yay!


Wasup dog!

This is our dog Morgan. He was a stray and malnourished but now he's living large. We <3 our Morgan!
Strays and shelter dogs need love too...don't buy new!


Very busy day @ work today!
Great Weather + No Bike Ride = QQ


How we roll...

The boys and I really have a blast riding our bikes!
Last summer I got into riding fixed gear and really having loads of cheeky monkey fun. It hurts when I fall!

Welcome to Team Hägi

So like the millions of other humanoids, I have decided to start a blog.

This is the perfect venue for me to post my life's ramblings.